Monday, December 6, 2010

Canada Eh!

I must apologize for the lack of blogging, inventory posting, tweeting and all that jazz, I've been traveling instead.  Canada treated me warm even though it was cold as polar bear toe nails in Toronto.

Here are a few pictures from the northern exposure. Stay tuned for a post dedicated to the lovely vintage shopping excursion in "T Dot."

I kind of hope someone didn't stand at Niagara Falls crocheting this to the 
guard rail but it would make for good conversation and for great photos.

If you've seen my "pop up shop" flyer, it's from a 1980s The Bay ad.
Our hotel view of Lake Ontario. Silver linings are worldwide.


  1. I am crazy about the "Love is Beautiful" picture. I want that for my house!

  2. It was needlepoint. We should make them for xmas gifts Stel!
